ASIAA SMA - Sub-Millimeter Array, ASIAA SMA
Home \ Call for Proposals

The SMA-Taiwan (SMA-T) invites key projects and students' thesis projects requiring substantial amount of time spreading over the multiple semesters. This opportunity is open to the researchers in Taiwanese institutions including ASIAA Hawaii.

  • The SMA-T key projects provide opportunities for projects requiring at least 10 tracks in total starting from 2023B continuously until the end of the ASIAA general SMA operation. Spreading over the multiple semesters, up to 70 tracks can be allocated to key projects. The selected key projects get the highest execution priority among all SMA-T projects.
  • The SMA-T student thesis projects are aimed at providing opportunity of writing proposals, running observations, calibrating and imaging the data, and publishing his/her own data. Since the duty cycle of the SMA is much shorter than that of ALMA, students can complete their projects within their limited time scales, such as 2 years in their master course.
  • The thesis projects have a chance to get up to 4 tracks per semester and over semesters.
  • The available SMA-T time for the regular projects will be reduced. It is expected that only up to 4 tracks per semester will be available for regular projects, depending on the time request for the key and students thesis projects.

There will be a call for the regular and student thesis project every semester. The call for the key projects is presumably only once, which is this time for the 2023B proposal deadline.

The proposals of the key projects and student thesis projects will be reviewed locally by Taiwanese TAC alone. For the key projects, two additional reviewers in the proposed research fields will be consulted.

The proposing and reviewing procedures of the SMA-T key projects and student thesis projects are as follows.
  1. E-mail a notice of intent to Naomi Hirano, Hsi-Wei Yen and Ya-Wen Tang 1 week before the deadline.
  2. Full submission of the proposals before the regular call for proposal.
  3. Evaluation by SMA-T TAC and additionally by two external reviewers for the key projects.
  4. Sorting out the conflict of interest with the regular proposals by the joint SMA TAC (if necessary).

Submission of Notice of Intent (NoI)
The main purpose of the NoI is to allow us to distinguish the key projects and the student thesis projects from the regular projects and to search for external reviewers for the key projects. A short general description of science goals would be sufficient.

Submission of the proposals
The full proposals must be submitted by the deadline of the regular science proposals and on the SMA Observer Center (SMAOC). Proposals are submitted through the My Projects page under each individual PI's SMA Project Account. The student thesis proposals and regular proposals should not exceed 4 pages, comprising up to 2 pages of scientific and technical justification, up to 2 pages of figures, tables and references. For the SMA-T key projects, the proposals should not exceed 7 pages, and a management plan (e.g. timeline) may be provided. In addition, details of the observing plan and schedule should be included as an addendum to the proposal for SMA-T key projects.

Progress report
We request simple progress report each year from the PI of the key projects and each semester from the PI of the student projects. This is to check if data have been worked on after being taken.

Ya-Wen Tang
posted on 2023 Jun 20

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