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Scientific Highlights with the SMA

Resolving the Spiraling Arm-Like Features in the OB Cluster Forming Molecular Clump

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By observing the densest central region of the selected giant molecular cloud G33.92+0.11, H.-B. Liu (ASIAA/SAO CfA) and collaborators for the first time resolved the spiraling arm-like features in the nearly face-on projection (c.f. Liu, H. B. et al. ApJ, 745, 61 for the other case, which is in a nearly edge-on projection). The resolved filamentary gas structures embedded with the local star-forming cores will eventually form a cluster of OB stars. (A) The channel images of the 13CS 5-4 line, which trace the velocities of the dense gas. (B) The image of the 1.3 mm continuum emission, which mainly traces the dust. The data were taken with the SMA, in the subcompact, compact, extended, and very-extended array configurations.

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